Welcome to TurboSprite 32! ******************** ** IMPORTANT NOTE ** ******************** First off, move Wing32.DLL to your system directory. In order to TurboSprite applications to run properly, you must turn Compiler Optimization off in your project. I'm working on tracking down exactly why Delphi's optimization is causing these routines problems, but until this is solved turning optimization off is the only solution. ****************************** ** Registration Information ** ****************************** The registration fee for TurboSprite32 is $75. This includes full source code. Send a check of money order is US funds to: Silicon Commander Games PO Box A3407 Chicago IL 60690-3407 For more info, email SCG at dionkk@ix.netcom.com. ********************************************* Delphi 2.0 Components ********************************************* ColorButton- A button derived from ColorPanel. ColorPalette- A non-visual component that help manage a Windows 256 color logical palette. ColorPanel- A panel that makes use of the ColorPalette component. DIB- A non-visual component that encapsulates a Windows DIB. This enhanced version stores its own binary DIB data. DIBDrawingSurface- The visual DIB drawing surface. HiResTimer- A hi resolution timer that executes in a seperate thread. MemoryMappedFile- A wrapper around Win32 memory-mapped files. SpriteEngine- A non-visual component that manages groups of TSprite-derived objects. ******************************************** Support Files